Seit einiger Zeit arbeiten wir auch im Rahmen des Europäischen Bildungsprogramms. Es ermöglicht uns Einblicke in neue Ansätze zur Entwicklung von Strategien im Bildungsbereich, die wir an unsere internationalen Partner weitergeben können. Ausserdem werden wir selbst professioneller in unseren Ansätzen, in der Administration und Strukturierung von Projekten und in der Zusammenarbeit mit unterschiedlichen Stakeholdern aus verschiedenen Branchen. 
ERASMUS Plus ist ein tolles Program und wir sind gerne zur Zusammenarbeit bereit. Gerne können Sie uns eine Nachricht über den Kontakt oder auf unserer Facebookseite hinterlassen.
Beyond 4 stage

"Beyond 4 Stage" (B4S) ist ein Projekt, dass sich mit der Verbesserung der 4 Stufenmethode, welche im deutschen System der dualen Berufsausbildung verwendet wird, befasst. Dabei stehen die Verbesserung der didaktischen Kenntnisse und der Steigerung der Effektivität junger WBL-Tutoren und -Meister im Bereich des SHK Handwerks, insbesondere der Kessel-, Heizungs- und Energieeffektivität in Deutschland und Italien.
Das Problem der Verbesserung der Lehrfähigkeiten von Berufsbildungslehrern wird bereits als wichtig erkannt und es werden verschiedene Maßnahmen auf gemeinsamer europäischer Ebene ergriffen, z. B. auf politischer Ebene (Kopenhagen-Prozess, Empfehlung des Rates zu Upskilling Pathways; Arbeitsdokument der Europäischen Kommission 2019), auf nationaler Ebene (Osnabrücker Erklärung, BiBB-Kongress 2018), aber auch auf regionaler Ebene, siehe z. B. Oldenburger Erklärung. Alle diese Dokumente unterstützen Strategien zur Verbesserung auch der Lehrkräfte in der beruflichen Bildung (einschließlich der WBL-Tutoren). Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt betrifft dies die allgemeine Bildung, aber z.B. Antionio Ranieri vom Cedefop stellte auf dem BiBB-Kongress 2018 einen begrenzten sektoralen Ansatz als eine der größten Herausforderungen in Europa fest. Aktuelle Forschung fokussiert auf integrative Handlungskompetenzen
Aufgrund der kurzen didaktischen Stunden in der Meisterausbildung mangelt es jungen WBL-Tutoren in Deutschland an methodischem Know-how im Bereich der sozial-kognitiven Kompetenzen, z.B. bei der Vermittlung affektiver Lernziele. Die Zielgruppe hat es mit einer zunehmend heterogenen Gruppe von Auszubildenden zu tun, die z.B. Schwierigkeiten in der sozialen Kommunikation, Lernschwierigkeiten, Migrationshintergrund etc. haben.  Die Vermittlung von Werten und anderen affektiven Fähigkeiten wird von WBL-Tutoren in der Regel durch Berufserfahrung erworben.

BEYOND 4 STAGE                          HANDBOOK     GEMAN VERSION

GUIDELINES                                    ABSTRACT       ITALIAN VERSION 
                                                                                     GEMAN VERSION                                 
Partner des Projekts sind:
Deutschland:  WFS BildungsgUG, SHK- Innung Schweinfurt,
Italien:  Ilmiolavoro srl, Confederazione nazionale dell'artigianato e della piccola e media impresa Abruzzo (CNA)
Das Projekt wird durch das ERASMUS PLUS Programm der Europäischen Union kofinanziert. PROJEKTNUMMER - 2022-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000081902
BECOMING ist ein EU-finanziertes Erasmus+-Projekt. Sein Hauptziel ist es, innovative Lösungen zur Verringerung des Risikos des Ausscheidens aus dem Arbeitsmarkt für Arbeitnehmer in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU), die auf niedrigerem Niveau beschäftigt sind, zu entwickeln, insbesondere durch die Entwicklung eines positiven Ansatzes für lebenslanges Lernen.
Das Projekt schärft zunächst das Bewusstsein der Arbeitnehmer für die Notwendigkeit von Beratung und lebenslangem Lernen, indem animierte Videos entwickelt werden, die dazu anregen, ein "verwirrtes Bewusstsein zu wecken". Danach konzentriert sich das Projekt darauf, den Arbeitnehmern Berufsberatungsdienste zur Reflexion und Bewertung zur Verfügung zu stellen und ihnen Instrumente zur Selbsteinschätzung und Karriereplanung zu geben. Diese werden sowohl online als auch persönlich zur Verfügung stehen, benutzerfreundlich und von hohem Wert sein.


Projektnummer: 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007507


Mehr Infomationen und das Outcome finden Sie auf der Webseite des Projekts:

Lauch of the BECOMING website.

Happy to anounce that we lauchued the new website of our ERAMSUS PLUS project BECOMING. IN the near future we will put more information and results of our work on it.
The BECOMING project, on which we will work until the middle of 2023, focuses on developing a positive approach of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their employees to lifelong learning.

Erasmus Plus - (ERASMUS+) - программа Европейского Союза, направленная на поддержку сотрудничества в области образования, профессионального обучения, молодёжи и спорта). Средства предоставленные из бюджета Европейского Союза финансирует деятельность, способствующую развитию сектора образования. Поскольку политику в области образования каждая страна, входящая в Европейский Союз, реализует самостоятельно в рамках своих нормативно-правовых систем, Европейская комиссия и ее органы не обладают законодательными полномочиями для реализации единой европейской политики в области образования. В связи с этим Европейский Союз предоставляет стимулирование путём выделения финансовых средств для развития своих приоритетов в области образования на уровне школ, университетов и развития образования взрослого населения. За некоторыми исключениями выделяемое Европейским Союзом финансирование используются для проектов проводимых в странах Европейском Союзе. Но всегда рады партнёрам из стран не входящих в Европейский Союз.

Немецкая компания WFS Bildungs gUG успешно работает совместно со своими партнёрами в рамках реализации программ ERASMUS PLUS. Нам всегда интересно мнение других стран и образовательных систем. Вот почему мы применяем наш опыт и работаем вместе с нашими партнёрами, из стран не входящих в Европейский Союз, над темами и программами, в которых мы реализуем и транслируем результаты нашей международной работы.

У вас есть предложения о сотрудничестве? Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Мы всегда рады и открыты сотрудничеству!

Быть в непрерывных инновациях и расти


BECOMING — это проект Erasmus+, финансируемый ЕС. Его основная цель — предлагать инновационные решения для снижения риска ухода с рынка труда работников малых и средних предприятий (МСП), занятых на более низких уровнях, в частности, путем разработки позитивного подхода к обучению на протяжении всей жизни.
2  проектная встреча
22 июня 2021 года в Пескаре, Италия, состоялась важная встреча консорциума международного проекта СТАНОВЛЕНИЕ: быть в непрерывных инновациях и расти. Очная координационная встреча партнерских организаций из Италии, Германии и Чехии состоялась после долгой паузы из-за ограничений на поездки и была крайне важна с точки зрения детального обсуждения дальнейшего совместного прогресса в подготовке результатов проекта. .

В первую очередь, встреча была посвящена обсуждению текущего прогресса первого результата проекта (Пакет услуг по профориентации и развитию), где все партнеры разработали анализ PESTEL для выбранных секторов в своих странах. Последовала коллективная подготовка предстоящих задач, а также были обсуждены основные организационные вопросы по второму результату проекта (Toolkit for Workers). Кроме того, были представлены стратегия распространения проекта, новый веб-сайт и общий прогресс проекта. Следующая встреча международного консорциума запланирована на начало ноября 2021 года в Праге, Чехия.
Запуск сайта проекта
Перед началом лета также был официально запущен сайт проекта СТАНОВЛЕНИЕ. Для более широкого использования и общего упрощения мы подготовили его не только на английском языке, но и на чешском, итальянском и немецком языках, национальных языках всех партнеров проекта.
Посетите наш сайт:
3  проектная встреча
В начале ноября в Праге, Чехия, состоялась третья встреча проектного консорциума. 4 и 5 ноября 2021 года все партнеры по проекту обсудили текущий прогресс в достижении результатов и, самое главное, следующие шаги проекта!


VET Mobility project - VET learners traineeships in companies abroad Project name: “Youth opportunities in Nautical and Electro Industry” AGREEMENT number 2019-1-SI02-KA102-060306
Studenten des ersten Kurses unserer Partnerschule GEPS Piran in Slownien ( ) kommen jedes Jahr zum Segeltraining nach Deutschland. GEPS ist ein Schulkomplex bestehend aus dem Gymnasium Piran und der Berufsschule in Portoroz welche Ausbildungen zum Schiffmechaniker aber auch zum Mechatroniker anbietet.  WFS ist der Host Organisator und stellt die Trainingsmöglichkeit auf einem Traditionssegler mit entsprechender Crew, sowie die sozialpädagogische Betreuung. Dieser 14 tägige Ausbildungsabschnitt ist Teil des Curriculums für angehende Schiffsmechaniker. Neben dem fachlichen Bestandteil wie z.B. Navigieren, Routenplanung, Segeltechnik etc. ist aber auch die soziale Betreuung ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Programms. Sie dient zur Verbesserung von affektiven Lernzielen und soll die Studenten dazu befähigen, die Teamfähigkeit an Bord eines Schiffes zu verbessern sowie eigenverantwortlich Probleme zu lösen. Viele Studenten sind in dieser Phase der Ausbildung auf Unterstützung angewiesen, da sie als Minderjährige im schuleigenen Internat wohnen und z.T. Migrationshintergrund haben oder aus sozial schwachen Verhältnissen kommen.


Maritime affairs are the first in importance among all modes of transport and are most closely connected with the socio-historical development of mankind, as the beginnings of human penetration by waterways date back to prehistory. We cannot say that seafaring will ever become extinct, as even in the modern age it represents an important form of transport, both cargo, and tourist (yachting, cruising, etc.). However, we can say that fewer and fewer people are choosing this profession, as it requires a lot of sacrifice. Whether a person opting for a maritime school wants to work on a ship as a engineer officer or deck officer is hard to know without experience, as theory is different from practice. That is why it is important to have a physical and genuine experience of working on a ship, so that the person gets the feeling of belonging, freedom, happiness, adrenaline and, so to speak, to feel like he is at home, the moment the ship leaves the port. The sea becomes a second home, the boat becomes a second house, the co-workers become a second family. To make it easier for young people to make decisions, to get to know how work on a boat looks like in all circumstances and weather conditions, and also that then it is easier for them to decide if this is the right profession, a European project is organized every year to allow maritime high school students to try it themselves. Regardless of the situation in which the whole world currently lives, a practice took place in October 2021 where the team went to the north of Germany and boarded one of the oldest still existing two mastered Dutch schooners, the sailboat Zuiderzee which is also called The grand old lady. The Zuiderzee was built in 1909 in the Netherlands and officially registered with a motor in 1921. It was built for the purposes of the Coastal Navy / Guard and the transport of cargo with a carrying capacity of up to 400 tons. The hull of the ship was originally made of wood, later reinforced with steel. In 1991, the sailboat was completely refurbished and now serves as a school sailboat for learning and other casual sailings. The sailboat has exceptional sailing properties and even today it easily sails across the Atlantic Ocean. The sailboat has 8 cabins, 6 x for 3 people and 2 x for 2 people. The crew has separate rooms. It has four toilets and three showers separate for guests and crew. On the deck, there is a dining room and a rest area.


19 students, 1 companion, and two program coordinators boarded it, and the Captain and Mate were waiting for them on the sailboat. The students, as maritime students, had a hard time expecting the experience, and they were looking forward to the moment when the sailboat sailed out of the port for the first time towards the horizon. The first day was first followed by boarding, where the students were arranged around the rooms, unpacking things and loading food onboard. This was followed by the obligatory part - safety procedure, which is required on every boat, sailboat, and larger ship. The safety plan was explained of what is allowed and what is not allowed, such as running and jumping on the deck, when folding the sails on the bow in the net, it is essential to have a safety belt, and they were also told that during sailing everyone should be on deck, as the movement of a sailboat at sea can quickly cause nausea if you stay below deck. They said that it is forbidden to throw yourself off the deck during the voyage and explained that this is done only when an order is issued in case of an emergency. They were also taught how to properly wear a life jacket, where they are located, how to jump into the water and what alarms exist on the boat. In the end, Mate emphasized that they should first and foremost pay attention to their own safety and consequently to the safety of others, and that they should assess what is safe and what is dangerous to do. The students were divided into groups based on which room they were in, as each day two groups were in charge of the kitchen and 5 other groups were in charge of the guard during the voyage. As it was a long drive for the students, the first day was followed by rest so that everyone could gather strength for an unforgettable experience in the Baltic Sea.

Each day, the start was set at a different time, depending on the destination and the distance that had to be covered. On the second day, the first day of the voyage, the destination was the town of Kuhlnsbörn, which was 50 miles away. The students in charge of the kitchen prepared a delicious breakfast for the crew so that everyone could refresh themselves. At 10.00 am was the start of the voyage and the raising of the sails began. The weather was windy, cloudy and at times also rainy. A great day for sailing with such a large sailboat that needs at least 3 - 4 buffers to be able to sail normally. Since most of the students were on a sailboat for the first time in general, 3 of them got nausea, which unfortunately you don't have influence on. The students overcame the weakness and at the end of the day, everyone had a good laugh about it. With the first hectic day, the whole crew fortified their stomachs, so that during the whole trip no one was sick anymore and everyone enjoyed the adrenaline, the sun, the wind, and the sea. Some of the students found themselves in this part right away and showed their enthusiasm and desire to work. Throughout their practice, Mate taught them everything he could about raising sails, stacking ropes, knots, turns, pumping water, cleaning the deck so that they quickly knew how to do everything on his command. Every evening, when the Zuiderzee arrived at the port, the students put away all the sails and cleaned the deck (put away the ropes), and after that had a free evening to socialize, get to know the cities and the surrounding area. Many of them did not separate from the Mate during the internship, as they enthusiastically asked him everything possible about sailing, sailes, robes and the profession of a sailor because as said, some found themselves in this profession from the first moment the sailboat sailed towards the horizon.

On the third day, the destination was Rostock, which is the most important and largest Baltic port.

Since there was not much distance between Rostock and Kuhlnsbörn, those students who were more eager for knowledge offered to help with sanding and painting the deck.


For the fourth day, however, the Captain decided to travel to Denmark and its beautiful islands. From Rostock to Denmark it is 45 miles and the trip took the whole day. Since there is no signal in the middle of the sea, the students were able to put their phones aside, team up with each other, and help with work on a deck even more. As some of the students showed themselves in a great light and with a maritime streak, the Captain and Mate allowed them to try themselves at navigating as well. Some did the job so well as if they had years of sailing behind them.


The first place to arrive in Denmark was Bagenkop, then it continued to Gedser, Hessnes and the last place to visit was Klintholm. In Denmark, the crew spent five wonderful days, with interesting ports, nature, and beaches like in the movies.

It can be said with certainty that none of the students would have ever visited these Danish towns and islands in their lives if it were not for this offered experience that they were able to do their internship on the Zuiderzee sailboat in the Baltic Sea.


The trip ended with a visit to the city of Warnemünde, which is one of the world's busiest cruies ports, and for the last day, the Zuiderzee sailed back to Rostock again, which was also the starting point for the way back.

The students experienced sailing in this way for the first time with a traditional two-seater and during these 10 days they learned how life on a ship looks like, what it means to be a sailor and how this profession looks like in reality, what are the duties on a sailboat, like devotion to the boat and others. With certainty, just about every student was overwhelmed and excited about the experience. Some found themselves in this profession more, some less, and some found out that this life is not for them at all. The whole experience also gave them an insight into their future lives, made it easier for them to make decisions about college, candidacy, and work in the future. However, no one can deny that this experience did not bring them a lot of new and useful knowledge. They learned different skills, techniques, self-care, and teamwork because without that, you can't go onto the sea. Self-safety and the safety of the entire crew always comes first. The students connected with each other even more and formed stronger friendships and alliances. The Captain also praised certain people and they also received a special award in the end. The whole experience passed in the blink of an eye and left a huge mark behind, especially in the minds and hearts of the students.

All the students grew up with this experience and also, they had time to stop for a moment and think about themselves, who they are, what they want, and what makes them happy. With a smile to their ears, they disembarked from the boat, full of new knowledge and drive to move forward, they are now ready for the life that awaits them and the rest is history. For sure the whole once in a lifetime experience with Zuiderzee will stay in their hearts forever.


Fare winds and following seas to everyone!

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WFS Bildungs ​​GUG

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